Cookie Policy

Our Cookie Policy elucidates how we utilize cookies and akin technologies to identify you upon visiting our websites, notably We delve into the essence of these technologies, their rationales, and your prerogatives in managing their usage.

Cookies, which are diminutive data files, are deposited on your computer or mobile device when you navigate a website. They serve widespread purposes for website proprietors, facilitating operational efficiency and furnishing reporting insights.

Cookies emanating from the website owner (us, in this scenario) are dubbed “first-party cookies,” whereas those emanating from external entities are denoted “third-party cookies.” Third-party cookies enable ancillary features or functionalities, such as advertising, interactive content, and analytics, both on the respective website and other affiliated platforms.

Our employment of both first and third-party cookies encompasses manifold objectives. While some are indispensable for the technical underpinnings of our websites, termed “essential” or “strictly necessary” cookies, others facilitate user interest tracking and targeting to augment the online experience across our platforms. Third parties administer cookies through our websites for purposes encompassing advertising and analytics.

You retain the autonomy to opt for or against cookie acceptance. Our Cookie Consent Manager empowers you to delineate your preferences concerning accepted or rejected cookie categories. Essential cookies, integral to service provision, are non-negotiable and cannot be declined.

Should you opt to spurn cookies, website accessibility persists, albeit with potential limitations in functionality and access to certain areas. Furthermore, you possess the prerogative to configure or amend your browser settings vis-a-vis cookie acceptance or rejection.

Additionally, the majority of advertising networks furnish opt-out mechanisms for targeted advertising. Further details are available at or

Detailed insights into the specific types and functions of first and third-party cookies employed across our websites are delineated in the ensuing table. It’s imperative to note that cookie utilization may vary contingent on the specific online properties you peruse.

Web beacons, alternate tracking technologies, are occasionally deployed alongside cookies. These minute graphic files, also known as “tracking pixels” or “clear gifs,” encompass unique identifiers that enable visitor recognition across websites or email interactions. They play a pivotal role in monitoring traffic patterns, enhancing site performance, and gauging the efficacy of email marketing endeavors. Given their interdependency on cookies for seamless operation, rejecting cookies may impede their functionality.

Furthermore, websites may integrate “Flash Cookies” or “Local Shared Objects” (LSOs), which serve diverse purposes encompassing data collection, fraud prevention, and site operation enhancement. Should you opt against Flash Cookie storage, you can adjust your Flash player settings correspondingly to curtail their retention or placement without explicit consent.

In summary, our Cookie Policy underscores our commitment to transparency and user empowerment concerning cookie utilization across our digital ecosystem.